
Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you stopped by to see what these Musings are all about. Since they're straight off the top of my head, I haven't exactly figured it out myself! We all muddle through each day and, hopefully, we find something to rejoice in as we choose, sort, piece and quilt our beautiful stashes of fabric.
Please visit my website: http://www.judithheyward.com/ to learn more about my quilts. Or contact me at judyheyward@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Machine Quilting Unlimited

I was very fortunate to have my quilt, Say It With Flowers, included in the Noteworthy section of the July issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited. It's always kind of neat to see one's quilts "in print" and this magazine does such a great job in their layout and presentation. If you haven't seen an issue, let me encourage you to do so if you are a machine quilter--either longarm or conventional (like I am). Their web address is:
http://www.mqumag.com/. In this particular issue they have a great article on quilt classes--from the perspective of both the teacher and student--and another wonderful article on organizing your studio and making the most of your resources. And the pictures of quilts--oh my! Winning quilts from several shows are displayed and they are ALL inspiring. And while a lot of the magazine is devoted to longarm quilters, there is plenty of interest to those of us who aren't. Take a look--see what you think. And, thanks, Machine Quilting Unlimited, for including me in this issue.


Corky said...

A well deserved honor Judy. I love being able to say "hey, I KNOW her!" when I see your work in print.

Judy Heyward said...

Thanks, Corky.

Maureen said...

The quilt is one of my favorites!!
I agree with Corky I love being able to say I know you.

Judy Heyward said...

You are TOO nice, Maureen! Thanks for the very kind words.