
Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you stopped by to see what these Musings are all about. Since they're straight off the top of my head, I haven't exactly figured it out myself! We all muddle through each day and, hopefully, we find something to rejoice in as we choose, sort, piece and quilt our beautiful stashes of fabric.
Please visit my website: http://www.judithheyward.com/ to learn more about my quilts. Or contact me at judyheyward@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Thanks.

Monday, July 9, 2007

In The Mountains

We have come back to Hendersonville today and have brought our 12 year old grandson with us. Hopefully, the weather will be good and we'll get to do a lot of things outdoors. On the top of the agenda is climbing Mt. Pisgah. It's only about 1 1/2 miles to the top--but it's a tough walk. I'll take my camera and hope for a clear shot.

I'm also hoping for some quilt inspiration, but what I"ve found is that inspiration comes when you least expect it. Take this quilt, for instance==Honey Locust Beans. I was just walking along one morning and there they were--just hanging down in front of me on the sidewalk (the locust beaqns, that is). Talk about being hit on the side of the head! I had to go right home, get my camera and come back and take the picture. And not too long after that, the quilt was started. This has been a very special quilt--it has won several awards and was just published on the cover of the AQS Wholesale Catalog. How lucky can you get?
Well, time to start thinking about climbing that mountain because I'm certainly not getting any younger and each day counts. Each day I strive to live in the moment and sometimes I even succeed.

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