
Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you stopped by to see what these Musings are all about. Since they're straight off the top of my head, I haven't exactly figured it out myself! We all muddle through each day and, hopefully, we find something to rejoice in as we choose, sort, piece and quilt our beautiful stashes of fabric.
Please visit my website: http://www.judithheyward.com/ to learn more about my quilts. Or contact me at judyheyward@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Thanks.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Studio

Today I've been taking pictures of my sewing studio for a digital program on members' sewing rooms at our next Guild meeting. Since I was doing that anyway, I decided to post a few to my blog. I feel very fortunate to have the sewing space that I do have. When we bought this house from my mother-in-law, the place where I now quilt was a 10' x 10' room with no heat and no airconditioning. Part of the bargain to get me to move here was a GREAT sewing space. And a great space I DO have. Walls were pushed up and out and over to get me a wonderful place to design, sew, listen to books on tape and just to sit--if I would ever want to do that.This picture is at the top of the step leading into my studio. I have a wonderful pair of dolls-an old crone and a wizard--greeting me as I come in.

One of the great features of my space is this wonderful worktable and all of the cabinets underneath. One day when I was at my friend Annie's house, I noticed her worktable and asked her about it. She told me that she had bought the cabinets at Home Depot and then had the top made by them. And that is exactly what I did. Fortunately, my husband could secure the cabinets to each other and then a nice man came from Home Depot for the finishing touch of the large formica worktop. I absolutely love the entire thing. The problem will come when we have to move it out for some reason!
And now, here is my neatly folded fabric! But who knows for how long? I sure do enjoy looking at it when it is so neat but I know I'm doomed when it comes to the consistently neat department.
Finally, this is the space where I sew. There is room for three sewing machines--and I use all three depending on what I'm doing. You can also see some of the railing that looks out over the creek. I hang most of my quilts on this railing. A handy spot.


Corky said...

Oh, Judy, I covet your table! I'm taking part in the studio show for the guild too, but I haven't cleaned enough yet for photos!

KK said...

OK - now I want to go burn the "trailer" down and start over. My pictures will be high comedy after yours!

Judy Heyward said...

I really doubt that, Karen. I think it's really neat to have an entire space all to yourself where you don't have to worry about YOUR book on tape interfering with someone else's classical music. And Corky, I don't how big you space is (which I WILL know after I see the studio show!) but if you really want that kind of table/cabinet setup, you can do it on a smaller scale. Annie had her top cut down after she moved into a smaller space and used fewer cabinets. You could use 4 cabinets instead of 8--or you could use 6--whatever.