This first quilt is by Cynthia Catlin. I don't have the name of it, but the branches making the water ripple just appealed to me.

This next quilt is by Jan Hutchison and is called "Dancing to the Tune of Spring." I think that many of us in the "snow-infested" areas are really looking forward to signs of spring and I think that this quilt successfully captured that feeling. Also, the background quilting ga
ve one the feeling of the flowers dancing in the wind.

I was especially drawn to this quilt by Linda French--"Marblemania." It dramatically captured the feeling of perspective and you could just imagine those marbles rolling around on the floor. Also, note the small quilt hanging on the right side.

And don't you just feel that you're right behind this couple as they stroll down a beautiful old street in "A City Walk In Spring" by Lenore Crawford. Even when viewed from a fairly close perspective, t
he details held up.

The detail work on "Paisley Peacock: by Pat Holly is simply amazing. I would have to be honest and say that paisley is not one of my more favorite motifs; however, this quilt was stunning. The machine applique work was done with such small, detailed pieces. It was very inspiring for me.

And some quilts just make you smile--like this "Really 'Wild Flowers'" by Sharon Schlotzhamer. Her use of color lightened the heart and the detailed piecing of her flower blooms was a big 'Wow."

This was the Best of Show winner--"Circles of Life" by Linda French--another VERY detailed quilt with wonderful use of color. (You may notice that she also d
id "Marblemania.").

I have included "Woven Wind Flowers" by Doris Keaton and Sandi Wagner because of all the wonderful feathers in the quilting design. and I like the way they used to taupe tones for the log cabin blocks in the background. I have been working on making more interesting backgrounds for my applique work so I really aprreciate successful efforts by other quilt artists.

Mary Ramsey Kessler's "Orange Hibiscus" makes good use of an interesting background, also. It is reminiscent of Ruth McDowell's work and I
think quite a great job of capturing the appearance of hibiscus blooms.

And, finally, here is my quilt "Whither Goest Thou." I was fortunate to have been awarded a Judge's Choice ribbon by Libby Lehman. With all of the wonderful quilts there this past weekend, I felt really blessed to have received it.
And NOW--don't forget that the Cobblestone Quilt Show is taking place in Charleston, SC, this next weekend--Friday, Saturday & Sunday at the Gaillard Autditorium. Everyone has worked so hard to make it a great show this year and I know you'll enjoy looking at all of the wonderful quilts that will be there. Don't be a stranger, ya heah?
Beautiful quilts-thanks for sharing!
Congrads on your win at Charleston.
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